José Coelho
Dark mode
Light mode
Changing Mahindra wheel bearings, brake rotors and brake pads and tie rod
Fixing snapped CV Axle - Mahindra
Mahindra - Replacing Auto to Manual Locking Hubs
Mahindra Pik Up 2019
Mahindra Service Workshop Manuals
VW Beatle 1977
Where do I take my cars
Where to find spare parts Mahindra Pik Up in New Zealand
HotWheels Firepit - My first welding project
Install winch behind Mahindra original bumper
Build trust by communicating often
My Obsidian Setup
Notes in only one place
Obsidian daily notes
Pomodoro Technique
TODO System
Write it down to solve it
My NAS setup using UNRAID
Software Engineer
A bad abstraction is worse than no abstraction
A bad decision is better than no decision
Approach with curiosity
Avoid reinventing the wheel, someone else already solved it
Bias Index
Broken changes can be compared to previous working version
Building this website
Code review pyramid
Coding for change
Fail fast to learn fast
Make it work, then make it better
Take the context and constraints into consideration
Tell don't ask
Tips for Software Engineers
Vertical Slicing
When stuck, ask for help ASAP
You write code for others, not for yourself
Your method is telling a story
Be grateful to be wrong
Be kind to yourself
be kind, not nice
Build on top of a stable base
Focus Techniques
Hard to know what you don't know
Make bad habits harder
My call to keep the internet public
Sign your git commits
The only way to find yourself is getting lost
Woman Cycle
Folder: Paloma
1 item under this folder.
Feb 09, 2023
Build trust by communicating often