I use obsidian to have all my Notes in only one place. I use it daily to organize myself and also to keep this website updated. Building this website

Here I’m going to share the plugins that I use and also what I feel can be improved.

I use Obsidian daily notes to organise my day. Not aways, but it’s great for the hard to focus days.


In order of usefulness

  • Obsidian Tasks - I manage all my tasks using this plugin, love it! It’s the dream, I can have tasks anywhere in my vault and I can get it all in one place.
  • Day Planner- Plan your day visually
  • Obsidian Reminder Plugin - reminder for your tasks, still a bit wonky but helps
  • Obsidian Vimrc Support Plugin - I use VIM mode, this helps having more shortcuts. Vim mode needs to improve though
  • Obsidian to iCal - I use this to have my notes in my calendar using a .ical file
  • Paste URL into selection - I used quite a lot to build this list 😄, paste a url to the text, that becomes a link.
  • Remember cursor position - remembers the cursos position on each note, nice to get back to it
  • Icon Shortcodes - Nice to quickly :luc_plus_circle: add icons to your text 🍾
  • Templater - allows doing more stuff with your templates, I’m not sure if Obsidian official template plugin got enough, might not be necessary, but my templates are using it
  • Excalidraw - Just awesome, you can draw whatever you need as part of a note. I like to sketch some projects around home.
  • Media Extended - easy integrate media to your nodes
  • Supernote Obsidian Plugin - Awesome, I can see my Supernote notes in Obsidian
  • Obsidian Kanban Plugin - Kanban on obsidian, I kinda migrated from Trello and was missing this view, but I don’t use it anymore, I’m sticking with tasks for now.
  • Key Promoter - It tells you which keyboard shortcut you can use. Good for learning. Sometimes I turn it off, as it can be a bit annoying
  • Obsidian Dataview - I don’t use much, but it’s nice to build tables based on your notes