
The problem:

You are craving for a bagel from the airport and decide to hire someone to bring that to you.

The solution:

Hire a driver to deliver this package

We hire someone

The driver comes, they charge $100 per hour and estimates that it will take 1 hour to pick this package up, but it could take longer.

They come 6 hours later, with a bitten bagel inside of a safe box saying sorry that it took way longer than they estimated and a bill of $500.

How would you feel? Would you hire this company again? Do you trust them? Would you even consider paying for that bill?

Let’s go back in time, and try again!

The driver comes, they charge $100 per hour and estimates that it will take 1 hour to pick this bagel up, but it could take longer.

Before going, they explain that they will keep you updated and will need you to check your messages in case of something unexpected happens.

Off they go, and you receive a message 10 minutes later:

“We have a flat tyre, we are going to take at least 10 minutes to fix it. We will keep you posted”

20 minutes later:

“Flat tyre fixed, on our way to the airport”

30 minutes later:

“There was an explosion on the highway and everything is blocked, they are estimating at least 10 hours to release traffic. I know an alternative route, it’s a bit risky, but given the importance of your bagel I believe it worth a shot. It can take from 5 to 10 hours. Should I go?”

You think how much you need those bagels to be able to start your day and say YES! Go for it.

1 hour later you receive:

“The road is better than expected, and we are having good progress”

1 hour later:

“We found some bumps along the way, but managed to go over it with success! We may find more challenges but we still on track. Everyone is really excited with your Bagel, it’s becoming a reality.”

1 hour later:

“More bumps along the way, but good progress so far”

30 minutes later:

“We can see the airport!”

30 minutes later:

“Buying your bagel, there are at least 60 people in front of us, everyone is hungry while waiting for the highway to open up again”

30 minutes later:

“We’ve got it!!! On our way back”

1 hour later:

“The highway still closed, everyone is hungry and looking at your bagel, we are protecting it with our lives! We already know the alternative route works, we believe we can be back in around 3 hours if we take it. Should we wait or go for the alternative route?”

You are hungry as well, and tell them to go for the alternative route, you know they managed to to it before

1 hour later:

“There’s a mob of hungry drivers on our route, they managed to bite your bagel! I’m so sorry we did everything we could to keep it safe. We can go back and buy another one, or keep going your way, it is not looking that bad and it still fresh. Going back could add around 5 hours to the journey”

You think about the budget and realise that a bitten bagel earlier is better than a full one later. And your budget is really tight now. You ask them to keep coming without buying a new bagel.

1 hour later:

“We are on our way back. We took the liberty of adding your bagel to a safe box, it was $50 bucks, but it already paid itself out as we found 3 more mobs of hungry drivers.”

1 hour later:

“We still on our way, everything is going as expected”

10 minutes later:

“We arrived! This is your bagel, and your safe box. It was a great journey and the team is proud to be able to help you out. It took us around 10 hours and this is your bill.”

You know what you paying for… It’s way more than your initial budget. Would you hire them again? I would!