When I have a hard time to focus at work. These are some techniques that help me get back on track.
I read this as a daily task. Seems silly, but reading and reviewing this bloody thing helps me out. It works for me… not always, but most of the time!
Mental Affirmation
- You need to start, then you get into the zone and the magic happens
- You may not be in the mood now, but you get really frustrated when you don’t try
- Motivation builds itself up from doing, not from thin air
- There are times to have fun, and times to do what needs doing. Have fun with your work, not at your work
- Music helps you getting into the zone
- When stuck, ask for help ASAP
- Day Planner, when things are hard, organize the hours of your day
- Reverse TODO, got something done? Write it down, even if it was not planned. Enjoy that tick
- Pomodoro Technique
- Make bad habits harder
- Enable focus mode on your smartphone
- Enable do not disturb on Mac
- Block websites using leechblock NG plugin on Arc